Securely lift, tilt, shift, rotate and precisely position or torque a single rod or drill string with DECKHAND® and TONGHAND® rod handler.
Technologically advanced operating procedures with an effective training program save you time and money while improving job site safety.
From wrenching to specific torque specs on the exit side to handling pipe rod on site, TONGHAND® and DECKHAND® have you covered.
We are invested in our customers. Our hands-on, train-the-trainer protocols bring your operator from novice to expert in no time.
Make and break joints with the robust TONGHAND® exit-side wrench and rod handler.
On a recent drilling project, TONGHAND® resulted in a reduction in job length by about 14 shifts (224 hours), equating to notable cost savings for both contractor and customer.
Not only does TONGHAND® increase job site efficiency, but safety as well. It got the seal of approval from the rest of the field crew, with the on-site supervisor requesting it be added to the contractor's full-time equipment fleet.
Savings on material costs are a secondary benefit to using TONGHAND®, due to its ability to apply torque in a controlled and consistent manner directly at the joint, in contrast to traditional exit-side wrenches.
Exit-side wrench torques joints with precision
The TONGHAND® exit-side wrench and rod handler provides the operator total control for making and breaking joints, subs, and reamers.
The DECKHAND® built its reputation in the pipeline world, and its inspiration came straight from the drill site. Making installation jobs safer and better is our guiding principle.
All LaValley Industries products are designed to place total load control into the operator's hands—all from the safety of the excavator cab. Experience a secure grip enforced by safety measures like 5:1 hydraulic system design and load-locking valves.
A true modular system, DECKHAND® attachments are fully adaptable to your specific project needs, from excavator size to rod and pipe diameter. If we don't have the right tool for the job, we'll build it.
DECKHAND® solutions for HDD include the Directional Drilling Arms, compatible with the DECKHAND®S, DECKHAND®LT, and DECKHAND®5HP. Learn more about the DECKHAND® family of material handling solutions.
See Your HDD Rod Handler in Action on the Drill Site
Watch how the DECKHAND® rod handler with Directional Drilling Arms provides the operator total control as our innovative safety features ensure precise placement.
Tried & Trusted HDD Tools
Torque joints to spec every time with TONGHAND®. With proven productivity in the HDD industry, our TONGHAND® line keeps expanding and innovating in site efficiency and safety.
The DECKHAND® with Directional Drilling Arms allows you to pick drill rod out of a stack and perfectly position it from the safety of the excavator cab—without putting crew in harm's way.
We work with companies all around the world.